Our Services
無論您是家庭主婦,餐廳經營者,或者是批發商販。我們都為您將各式冷凍食品外送上門。 |
Whether you are a family, restaurant or a wholesaler, Winter Frozen Enterprise Sdn Bhd delivers the widest range of food products directly to your kitchen. |
Online Ordering 線上下單
You can now get groceries delivered to your doorstep via our online ordering system (Whatsapp). Click here to place your order now! |
One Day (24 hours) Delivery Time 24小時到貨服務
目前來說,我們的送貨到府服務只限於新山地區。凡總訂單價金額超過RM200,即可享有免費配送服務。訂單金額少於RM200,運費講根據你的送貨地址以每一單徵收RM 10 至 RM 20 不等來計算。
We pride ourselves on ensuring that we provide on time 24 hours deliveries to most areas in Johor Bahru.
We deliver to a wide area within the Johor Bahru area. For order over RM 200, you can get free shipping. For order less than RM 200, we will incur a shipping fee ranging from RM 10 – RM 20 depending on your location. |
Slicing, Cubing, Trimming 切片,切丁服務
For all of our customers’ convenience, we also offer services such as slicing, cubing, and trimming to your requirements. |